
Upcoming Mental Health First Aid Courses

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Upcoming Courses

June 6th & 7th 2018

August 22nd & 23rd 2018

Melbourne CBD $500 plus GST

Nabenet Health offers Mental Health First Aid training in the workplace. This course will teach you how to offer initial support to adults who are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis, until appropriate professional help is received or until the crisis resolves.

The course curriculum is evidence-based, as informed by the MHFA guidelines.

Course participants learn about the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems, how to provide initial help, where and how to get professional help, what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective, and how to provide first aid in a crisis situation.


For further information about the course or to make a booking please contact Lisa Kelly on (03)9981 9888 or

To read Claire Nichol’s article on Mental Health First Aid Training in the workplace click here

2018 Regional Morning Tea Series

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5 Best Practice Strategies to Engage Your Workers in Return to Work

Employers are responsible for managing their employee’s RTW after a workplace injury. Our 2018 regional training series will give you an insight from a Senior Occupational Rehabilitation Manager about the best and most effective strategies to motivate and engage workers in their own successful return to work.
Scott Krasauskas (Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, Shepparton)
Carly Anderson (Gippsland)
Spaces are Limited – Bookings Essential

Mandatory Flu Vaccinations for Aged Care Workers

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Written by Mark Manokaran – Nabenet Health Manager

The provision of influenza vaccination programs to all staff in residential aged care homes will be compulsory from May, 2018. The moves comes amid the staggering results of a national survey conducted across residential care homes which showed a significant link between increased staff immunisation and lower aged care flu outbreaks. The Hon Ken Wyatt, Minister for Aged Care recently advised that aged care homes with only a quarter of their staff vaccinated had a 25% higher rate of flu outbreaks than those with more than three quarters vaccinated.

The national survey also revealed that 43% of the 2609 residential aged care homes reported at least one influenza outbreak in 2017. Alarmingly, only 3.5% of facilities had the recommended staff coverage of over 95% or higher to gain herd immunity.

Those providing in-house staff vaccination programs had higher coverage than those who only encouraged staff to go to an external provider.

“Vaccination is imperative for staff and residents in aged care, where the flu can spread quickly and have devastating consequences,” said Minister Wyatt. 

 Nabenet Health provides onsite flu vaccination programs for facilities with no travel*, booking or administrative charges – contact us now on 9981 9888 or to book in your flu vaccination program.

 *metropolitan and wider Melbourne areas only. Regional areas may require additional travel fees 


Commonwealth Games – Well Done Emily Hurtz

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Nabenet would like to congratulate Emily Hurtz on her recent silver medal at the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

Nabenet was a proud sponsor of Emily at the recent Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast.

Emily has previously played 85 games for the Hockeyroos, she retired from international hockey after the Hockeyroos won silver in the 2014 World Cup, but is hoping to make her return to the national team for the World Cup later this year. Emily is currently the Victorian captain and plays for the Hawthorn Hockey club. Emily is also a registered nurse.

We will continue to support and follow Emily towards the World Cup in London later this year.

Good luck Emily


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2018 Flu Vaccinations

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2018 Flu Vaccination Bookings are NOW OPEN

Nabenet Health can provide your organisation with flu vaccinations for the 2018 flu season. It is recommended that organisations offer flu vaccinations from March to ensure protection before flu season peaks in winter.

Why choose Nabenet?

Nabenet Health will provide a professional service by one of our qualified nurse immunisers at your workplace.

We understand the needs of your business and offer an online booking system, SMS reminders, as well as catering for shift workers.

We do not charge administration fees, setup costs or travel within metropolitan Melbourne.


To read Mark’s article about Flu Vaccinations click here



Mental Health First Aid Training

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Next Course April 18th and 19th Melbourne CBD $500 plus GST

Nabenet Health offers Mental Health First Aid training in the workplace. This course will teach you how to offer initial support to adults who are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis, until appropriate professional help is received or until the crisis resolves.

The course curriculum is evidence-based, as informed by the MHFA guidelines.

Course participants learn about the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems, how to provide initial help, where and how to get professional help, what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective, and how to provide first aid in a crisis situation.


For further information about the course or to make a booking please contact Jessica Rose on (03)9981 9888

To read Claire Nichol’s article on Mental Health First Aid Training in the workplace click here

Regional Educational Morning Tea Series

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Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, Morwell and Shepparton

The first 48 hours after an injury are critical. Frontline staff in any organisation have an important role to play in the RTW process and ultimately in supporting a successful RTW outcome. This training session is specifically targeted for supervisors and managers to help handle injured workers in a positive way whilst having a clear understanding of the legislative requirements and costs associated with poor return to work outcomes and to define a supervisors role within the return to work process.

The training is free and will focus on early intervention and incorporate best practice strategies.Spaces are limited. Please ensure you book online.

BOOKINGS BELOW (Click on your preferred location to book)

Sessions will be run in;

Ballarat Wednesday 16th August

Geelong Thursday 17th August

Morwell Thursday 24th August

Shepparton Wednesday 6th September

Bendigo Thursday 14th September

Congratulations 2017 ARPA Finalists Announced

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Nabenet would like to congratulate the following staff who have been announced as finalists in the 2017 Australian Rehabilitation Provider Association Awards.

  • Leah Dighton (Best New Starter – New Employer Services)
  • Amy Williams (Exceptional Leader)
  • Mark Manokaran (Innovation in RTW)

Congratulations and good luck to the finalists!


Winners will be announced at the 2017 ARPA Awards night to be held at the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins on Friday August 11th.

FREE Educational Seminar ‘Prevention and Management of Psychological WorkCover Claims

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THURSDAY AUGUST 3rd 2017 – Karstens, Room 901, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000

8.30am – 10.30am (Tea Coffee and Morning Tea Provided)

Learn from two experienced industry experts the keys to identifying psychological injuries in the workplace, the best strategies to successfully avoid claims as well as best practice techniques to manage claims.

Return to your workplace with the skills to influence positive change and improve return to work outcomes.

PRESENTERS: Arthur Papagiannis, Director, AP Psychology    Amy Williams, General Manager Nabenet


To find our more about AP Psychology click here







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Flu Shot

With all this beautiful weather it’s difficult to think about the flu, however, it’s time to start booking flu vaccinations for the 2017 flu season. Each year in Australia the flu causes an estimated 1,500,000 sick days and vaccination is a great way to reduce sick days in the workplace.

For 2017 vaccinations the World Health Organisation is no longer recommending the Trivalent (3 strain) vaccine and we are only offering the Quadrivalent (4 strain) vaccine. We are offering the same price for this vaccine as last year with no increase.

Our price is inclusive of equipment, metropolitan Melbourne travel, booking and setup costs and we can cater for shift workers as well if needed.

The Australian made 4 strain vaccine, recommended by the World Health Organisation for 2017 covers the following four viruses;

  • an A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
  • an A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2)-like virus;
  • a B/Brisbane/60/2008- like virus; and
  • a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus.

We expect to have the vaccine available in early March and we also expect this will be a popular time for bookings as this is the optimum time for receiving the flu vaccination. If you would like to make a booking we urge you to do this now to secure a preferred date and time while stock is available.


For more information on how we can help
please contact us on 1300 662 636 or enquire online
Enquire Online